Better Balance Plan

You juggle a busy career, a bustling household, and are always there for the people you care about. You’re running on fumes and generally out of balance.

I’ve got you

I know all too well what it’s like to be the go-go-go person whose focus is everywhere and nowhere and who can’t remember the last time they had time for pure fun.

You want to feel fueled rather than always running on fumes

When you keep a piled plate, doing little to reassess your priorities and obligations, you end up sacrificing your well-being over and over again. When in reality, the only way to really be a superhuman is to make time for sufficient rest, prioritize me-time and rediscover joy.

That’s what I had to learn the hard way when I was a corporate executive who experienced recurring burnout. Learning how to re-prioritize, form better habits, and establish clearer boundaries are among the tools I developed to reclaim my time and energy. I took all the best practices I learned and put them into a coaching plan that can help you step into a more focused, energized, and joyful version of yourself.


The Better Balance Plan for Go-Getters:

The Better Balance Plan for Go-Getters will empower you with a vision of your best life, healthy and effective time-management practices and communication methods so that you can have more control of your day. Without sacrificing the most important things in our life, we will work together to create a plan of action to establish healthy boundaries and habits and build a toolkit for better prioritization, communication, and self-care to put into practice in real time.

You will leave this coaching plan knowing the people, places and things that are life-energizing for you, which will give you a recharged sense of self and a more focused approach to accomplishing the main things in life. You will be able to make better decisions, increase your productivity, and reinvigorate your relationship with yourself.

This plan includes:

This plan is designed for:

Hi! I'm Trish Andres

I worked in Finance and FinTech based in New York for nearly 20 years where intense competition and the constant push for growth is the way of life. I was also one of the few female, minority executives in those male-dominated environments, so there was an inherent degree of personal and professional wear and tear and eventual burnout just being on the job.

That burnout was compounded by an urge to redesign my time to do work that had become so much more important and fulfilling to me. I hit a wall, felt depleted of energy and pushed through without anyone knowing what I was going through.

Enough was enough, and I knew I needed the help of experts, simultaneously enlisting a therapist and a coach. Since then, I’ve built and mastered a toolkit that enables me to feel more like myself than ever before.

Now, as a fully dedicated life and success coach, I offer a coaching plan customized to meet you where you are and equip you with the tools to focus on the right priorities while maintaining purposeful and energizing practices to help you live your best life.