AI Coach: The Future of Personalized Coaching

In today’s fast-paced world, AI coaching is making waves by offering immediate support and personalized guidance. And while I’m all in on AI’s potential, I earnestly believe there’s a necessary place for human coaching. The balance between AI and human coaching is where magic can happen—leveraging the efficiency of tech and gaining value from the irreplaceable human touch.

AI Coach vs. Human Coach

AI is moving incredibly fast.  Recently, I attended the NYU Coaching and Technology Summit in hopes of learning new insights about the multi-faceted relationship between AI and coaching.  One big takeaway was the concept of “AI Coach vs. Human Coach.”

A panelist pointed out that today’s AI coaching solutions are the worst they will ever be.  Meaning, they will only get better and more advanced from here on out.  So, don’t rush to judgment about their capabilities now because the best is yet to come.

Personally, I approach AI with a curious, experimental mindset.  I’m pro-AI, even as it becomes more common in coaching.  To me, the matter of AI Coach vs. Human Coach is not a losing battle or a war to be won.  It is a dance in which all participants perform their own steps.

The Cool Stuff About An AI Coach

Having seen a (pretty impressive) live demo of an AI leadership coach here are my perspectives:

AI Coach Illustration

AI coaching offers instant support

AI coaching offers a safe space to discuss topics and challenges immediately.  No need to build rapport or trust – just jump right in.

Privacy matters

You will inevitably discuss personal and sensitive information.  Keep vigilant about privacy, especially as AI coaching technology evolves.  Seek answers to where your information goes and how it’s protected.  Solid, responsible privacy standards and practices are a must.

Democratized coaching becomes easier

I’ve always believed in making coaching accessible to anyone who wants it.  Now, companies can make coaching avail

able to everyone using scalable AI solutions.  Imagine flipping switch and – *Tada!* – coaching for all!

Consider tech adoption

Personal preferences vary and the 5 stages of technology adoption are very real.  While early adopters love new tech, the benefits of coaching should be available to everyone, including those who consider themself late to the game with technology.

Think of An AI Coach As A Primer

The AI leadership coach demo was quite effective at creating forward momentum for the client, leveraging the GROW model, incorporating reflection, introducing challenges, and building accountability into the experience.

All that considered, I believe that the AI coach can serve as a wonderful primer to the human coach, setting up a worthwhile start to the coaching process.

Coach IllustrationHuman Coaches Are Still Super Relevant

What’s left to be desired are irreplaceable human elements that enrich and advance the experience.  These include:

  • Genuine human presence
  • Intentional silence to hold space
  • Building relationships, and connections
  • Cultivating emotional awareness
  • Human expressions in conversations
  • The beauty and impact of shared moments

Putting Your Needs First

AI coaches are a big leap forward in the coaching world, offering scalable, immediate, and personalized support. The human touch is still vital for a completely effective coaching experience.  Coaching when done responsibly with genuine focus on the needs of the person seeking it, is tremendously powerful to the individual receiving it and produces a ripple effect on the world.  So, bravo to you if you’re among the innovators or early adopters to have used an AI coach.  I’m here when you’re ready to achieve next level personal and professional success.

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